ELEDIA@XIDIAN, directed by Prof. Jin HUANG, is a research group hosted at the University of Xidian (Xi’an, China) aimed at strengthening the cooperation with academic and industrial partners involved in joint research and project initiatives also in synergy with the other nodes of the ELEDIA international research network.

    The ELEDIA@XIDIAN node is constructed on “mechanical engineering”, “control science and engineering”, and “electromagnetic field and micro-wave technology”. To keep pace with the international cutting-edge development and to meet national and technological demands, the node has carried out innovative research in the fields of electromechanical coupling, precision control and modern design, with substantial and influential achievements made. The node, is becoming the national-leading base for fundamental research, hi-tech promotion and talent cultivation in electromechanical coupling of electronic equipments.

    Contact: xidian-xian@eledia.org