
ELEDIA @ UTB - University Teknologi Brunei

Contact Information

Email: saleem.nazmudeen[at]

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Research Interests

  • Cross-layer communication in computer networks
  • Efficient ICT infrastructure for smart grid
  • Peer to peer networks
  • Study of implementing fog computing on different application domains


Research Staff

NAZMUDEEN Saleem is a Senior Lecturer of Information Technology in UTB School of Business at University Technology Brunei (UTB). Saleem completed his PhD at University Technology Petronas. His research interest includes studying efficient ICT infrastructure for smart grid, peer to peer networks and service discovery, study of implementing fog computing on different application domains and cross-layer communication in computer networks. His research work has been published in various journals and conference proceedings. Saleem has successfully completed various funded research projects as principal investigator. Currently he is also a member of IoT research cluster at UTB.