
ELEDIA @ USIL - University of San Ignacio de Loyola

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Email: luis-hernan-garcia.paucar[at]

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PAUCAR Luis Hernan Garcia

Research Staff


PAUCAR Luis Hernan Garcia studied Systems Engineering at the University of Lima. He is Master in Strategic Management of Information Technology from the University of Piura and Master in Business Administration (MBA) from the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (UPC).

With over 15 years of professional IT experience, he is supporter of companies like Apple and Google due their creativity and innovation, Luis is bearer of the Certified Scrum Master (CSM) and promoter of the use of agile methods for research projects management and software development. He is a member of the National Technical Committee on Software Engineering and Systems (CTN-ISSI) – INDECOPI and also collaborates with the international working group ISO/IEC WG24 which is responsible for the development of international standard ISO/IEC 29110 for the improvement in software processes in Very Small Entities (VSE).

He has made a specialization in Software Architecture at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) obtaining the international certification Software Architecture Professional . Luis has extensive experience as a professor and researcher in various academic institutions. He’s been a professor at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture (FIA) – University of San Martin de Porres and the Faculty of Systems Engineering at the University of Lima, where he was also responsible for the Circle of Studies, Research and Software Development (CEIDS). He has been full time professor at UPC and coordinador of Software Engineering Program. Currently, he is director of research and innovation in ATIX IT Research & Innovation, and leader of several research projects related to Software Architectures and Software Process Improvement using the standard ISO/IEC 29110.