ELEDIA@UniTN is located in via Salita dei Molini 2, 38123 Trento (TN), Italy.
How to reach us?
From POVO 1 (Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico Fabio Ferrari)
– Walk 500m to the Bus Stop “Povo Centro Civico” in Via Salè (ID: 25010x | GPS: 46.06391672336212, 11.151923648101151)”
– Board the Bus Number 13 to Piazza Dante “Pal. Regione”: Timetables are available on the Trentino Trasporti website by selecting line and stop referred
– Get off at the “Villazzano / Chiesa” stop:

– Walk 300m to reach the ELEDIA@UniTN Headquarters (Salita dei Molini, No. 2), see the following map:

From the TRENTO Train Station (Piazza Dante, Center of TRENTO)
– Walk 230m to the Bus Stop “Gazzoletti Piazza Dante” in Via Antonio Gazzoletti (ID: 20145- | GPS:46.07181040448805, 11.121980459302257), in front of the “Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro gli Infortuni sul Lavoro (INAIL)”.
– Board the Bus Number 6 to “Grotta Piazza”: Timetables are available on the Trentino Trasporti website by selecting the line and stop referred
– Get off at the “Villazzano / Piazza Nicolini” stop:

– Walk 140m to reach the ELEDIA@UniTN Headquarters (Salita dei Molini, No. 2), see the following map:

From the VILLAZZANO Train Station
– Go out of the VILLAZZANO Train Station (Via Asiago).
– Reach the Bus Stop “Villazzano Stazione FS” (ID: 25650z | GPS: 46.04481007672292, 11.139464931340996).
– Board the Bus Number 6 to “Grotta Piazza”: Timetables are available on the Trentino Trasporti website by selecting the line and stop referred (https://www.trentinotrasporti.it/viaggia-con-noi/urbano/trento).
– Get off at the “Villazzano / Piazza Nicolini” stop (see picture above)
– Walk 140m to reach the ELEDIA@UniTN Headquarters (Salita dei Molini, No. 2), (see the previous map).