One of the biggest challenge for the 21th century is to increase the efficiency of energy and large network management in order to reduce fossil energy and gas emissions. Indeed, factories and buildings are the biggest consumers of energy in the electrical grid. Nevertheless many energy-demanding tasks can be suitably scheduled in order to equalize the energy peaks (at grid level) as well as to exploit renewable energy source whenever possible. In this framework, the activities carried out within the ELEDIA Research Center includes the study and development of methodologies to optimize the load scheduling within large grid according to complex rules (e.g., users comfort constraints, grid peak reduction, and costs minimization) also taking into account the forecasted energy production and consumption. More specifically, the research areas addressed in ELEDIA include
- Energy Peak Reduction
- Application of Game Theory to smart buildings and smart grid management
- Key Performance Indicators Analysis (anomaly detection, classification, ranking, and solution)
- Predictive Maintenance
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