Two Open Fixed Term Positions at the Big Data Integration Research Center (Japan)

? Fixed Term Positions at the Big Data Integration Research Center (BDI, Japan)

The #ELEDIA Research Center is pleased to advertise that the Big Data Integration Research Center (BDI) at the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) is currently seeking candidates for two available positions.

➡ For more information about the BDI and the positions, please visit

➡ For detailed instructions on how to apply online, kindly visit

? [Senior researcher class]
[JP] 2024R-27 IoTデータを活用した行動支援のためのサイバーフィジカルシステムに関する研究
[EN] 2024R-27 Research on cyber-physical systems for behavior support using IoT data

? [Postdoc researcher class]
[JP] 2024R-28 スマートデータ利活用基盤技術に関する研究
[EN] Research on fundamental technologies for smart data analysis