Prof. Paolo ROCCA keynote speech at the AESPC 2023 conference

? Last Week Prof. Paolo Rocca gave a keynote speech on

   “ ‘Building’ Smart EM Environments for Future Wireless Communication Systems Through AI ”

at the 3th IEEE International conference on “Applied Electromagnetics, Signal Processing & Communication”, held at the Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar (India) on November 24-26, 2023.

Many thanks to Dr. Sudhakar Sahu (Conference Chair, IEEE AESPC2023) and to the Organizing Committee for organizing this event.

? Find out more at:

Università di Trento UniTrento DICAM IEEE IEEE Microwave Theory & Technology Society IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society #AESPC2023 #ELEDIA #india #ml #optimization #antennas #electronics #conference #engineering #event #technology