Preserve our Cultural Heritage with IoT-based ELEDIA EMUSEUM Project

#EMUSEUM is a cutting-edge wireless IoT-based system that’s redefining the way we protect and #preserve our #cultural #heritage. Powered by low-cost, long-life wireless sensor devices, EMUSEUM takes a revolutionary approach to safeguarding artworks.

? Paper Artifacts’ Health in Focus ?

EMUSEUM leverages distributed environmental sensing, data augmentation, and an AI-based engine to estimate and #forecast the #health #risk of precious #paper #artifacts:
? International Artwork Guidelines: Aligning with #standards like UNI 10829:1999 to ensure the safety and longevity of cherished artworks
?️ #Environmental Factors: Measuring temperature, humidity, and luminosity to keep a watchful eye on the artifact’s surroundings
? Key Performance Indexes (#KPI): Monitoring differential and slope variations in environmental status for early anomaly detection

EMUSEUM is currently undergoing experimental validation in several cultural heritage sites, including the iconic #SaloneDei500 and #PalazzoVecchio in #Firenze. The insights gained from these real-world settings will further enhance its capabilities.

Find out more about ELEDIA research projects dedicated to cultural heritage at ?

#ELEDIA Università di Trento #EMuseum #IoT #Wireless #AI #EnvironmentalMonitoring #SmartMuseum #ArtworkSafety #Preservation