TELL-ME, the ELEDIA Project that Allows Affordable Optical Measurements of Landslide

Affordable Optical Measurements for for Landslide Monitoring with TELL-ME ✨

ELEDIA TELL-ME #monitoring #system introduces a cost-effective #optical #sensor, leveraging LASER technology for #distance #measurement. This dynamic sensor operates effectively within a 60-meter range to the monitored point (any surface), ensuring millimeter-level precision.

Explore the world of TELL-ME and more #research #projects for #environmental #monitoring and #emergency #management on our website: ?

#ELEDIA Università di Trento #LandslideMonitoring #WirelessSensorNetworks #EmergencyManagement #IoT #Seismic #Flood #EnvironmentalProtection #ClimateChange #WeatherEvents #LandslideRisk #IntenseRainfall