New ESoA Course on “Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Smart Radio Environment”


The ELEDIA Research Center is pleased to advertise the ESoA Course on “Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Smart Radio Environment” that will be offered on-site in Siena, Italy, on September 30 – October 4, 2024.

The course includes the fundamental properties and limits of RISs; its analysis, sensing and design; capacity/data rate analyses, power/spectral optimizations, channel estimation, deep learning-based design, etc. The teaching team includes well-recognized worldwide researchers in academia and industry.

Course Duration: 32 hours (5 days)
Prerequisites: Basic of antennas and microwave, basic knowledge of electromagnetics and mathematics
Capacity: 40 students
Credits: 2 ECTS


Course Coordinators:

Applicants must fill the online form at

and send it to before 25th September.

For registration and more information visit the official website: