We are pleased to announce that a new paper has been published on the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
S. C. Pavone and G. Sorbello, “Near-Field Power Efficiency Maximization of a Bessel-Shaped Beam Through Planar Layered Media,” in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 72, no. 4, pp. 3783-3788, April 2024, doi: 10.1109/TAP.2024.3367411.
In this contribution, the problem of power transfer maximization through locally planar layered media of focused Bessel-shaped beams (BSBs) synthesized in the near-field region has been faced, by introducing a suitable spectral figure of merit able to quantify the amount of beam power that can be efficiently delivered through an arbitrary planar multilayer structure. Such an approach is quite novel in the Fresnel region of a beam launcher since standard figures of merit normally adopted in the far-field region cannot be extended tout court to near-field, due to peculiar field distribution and wavefront curvature. The presented numerical results show that the adopted figure of merit can predict correctly the axicon angle for which BSBs, radiated by arrays of a given length, maximize power transmission in near-field through planar multilayer structures, and also maximize the BSB wireless power transfer efficiency.
The paper can be downloaded at the following link: