Mediterranean Microwave Symposium 2022

The #ELEDIAResearchCenter is pleased to announce the 2022 Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS2022, 21st edition [➡️]) that will be held from the 9th to the 13th of May 2022, in Pizzo Calabro (Calabria Region, Italy).

The conference will cover the entire scope of #microwaveengineering research, from RF/microwave circuits and systems to #antennas and electromagnetic compatibility. Specific focus will be given to research papers focused on microwave industrial applications, including #automotive, communication and #spaceareas.

MMS2022 is co-sponsored by the European Microwave Association – EuMA, the IEEE Italian Chapters on “Antennas and Propagation/Electronic Devices Microwave Theory and Techniques – North Italy” (AP/ED/MTT) [➡️] and on “Antennas and Propagation/Microwave Theory and Techniques – Central/South Italy” (AP/MTT) [➡️].

Università della Calabria #ELEDIA #antennas #propagation #MMS #microwavesymposium #EuMA Luigi Boccia Regione Calabria