M3 Courses: Introduction to Multi-Functional Metamaterials

Discovering the Courses of the Postgraduate Program (Master Universitario di II Livello) at the Università di Trento on Multifunctional Metamaterials and Metastructures (M3):

Course: Intro to Multi-Functional Metamaterials

  • Teachers: Prof. MASSA Andrea, Prof. OLIVERI Giacomo
  • ECTS: 3
  • Duration: 15 Hours
  • Webpage: https://master-m3.unitn.it/introduction-to-multi-functional-metamaterials/
  • Objectives: Metamaterials are materials exhibiting unconventional physical/mechanical properties that cannot be readily found in nature. They have a foundation in electromagnetics, but at the same time they have found wide applications in several engineering acoustics/ electrodynamics/mechanics disciplines. The analysis and the synthesis of such materials, often physically realized as macro-scale aggregations of micro-scale/periodic arrangements of identical unit cells, requires sophisticated modeling and design methodologies that are currently at the edge of the research. The course aims at providing the fundamentals of multi-functional metamaterials theory and concepts, along with an overview of the most effective analysis/synthesis techniques and their most appealing/emerging applications in advanced engineering fields. Applicative examples including exercises will corroborate the theoretical concepts.

Want to know more on M3?

The Applications to the Postgraduate Program in Multifunctional Metamaterials and
Metastructures (M3) are now open. Remember to apply soon following the instructions
at https://master-m3.unitn.it/admission/ to be also evaluated for grants and
fully-funded scholarship opportunities that will be advertised in the M3
website https://master-m3.unitn.it/!

Moreover, do not forget to register at the link https://master-m3.unitn.it/opening-day/
to attend the Opening Ceremony Day that will take place in hybrid format on
January 29, 2025!

Stay tuned!