Introduction of TELL-ME distributed monitoring system specifically designed for landslides

The frequency and intensity of #calamitous #weather events have been on the rise in recent years. One particular #risk lies in areas prone to landslides, especially when faced with intense #rainfall.

In response to these challenges, the ELEDIA Research Center is at the forefront of designing and developing cutting-edge systems for #environmental #monitoring and #early #alerting. Leveraging #low#cost and #relocatable hardware technologies such as #wireless #sensor #network (#WSN) and Internet of Things (#IoT), we strive to ensure the higher level of environmental protection and #safety.

TELL-ME is an innovative #distributed monitoring system specifically designed for landslides. TELL-ME continuously analyzes a wide range of environmental parameters (including temperature, humidity, and soil water content) and displacement indicators (such as #inclination, #vibration, and #movement) within the monitored area. By combining these insights, TELL-ME provides in real-time critical information for #proactive #decision-making and #risk #mitigation.
The system have been experimentally validated in Trentino, Italy.

Discover more about TELL-ME at and join our research project! ?️??

#LandslideMonitoring #WirelessSensorNetworks #emergency #iot #seismic #flood #EnvironmentalProtection #ClimateChange #WeatherEvents #LandslideRisk #IntenseRainfall