The ELEDIA Research Center is pleased to announce the organization of the #ESoA PhD Course on “Compressive Sensing as Applied to Electromagnetics Theory, Techniques, and EM Applications” which will be held at Riva del Garda, October 25th-29th, 2021 (online).
After reviewing basics and fundamentals of CS, the course will focus on state‐of‐the‐art and mostly recently introduced CS‐based techniques and algorithms, discussing capabilities, limitations, and perspectives in the following topics: Antenna Synthesis and Design, Antenna Measurements, Adaptive Antennas & Antenna Signal Processing, Inverse Scattering and Microwave Imaging.
More info on the program, and registration can be found at
#ELEDIA#EMApplications#CompressiveSensing#AntennaMeasurementsCNIT – Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le TelecomunicazioniUniversità di TrentoXidian UniversityUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of ChinaTsinghua University#antennas