21BitSoul, the ELEDIA Project that Explore the Emotional Essence in the Internet of Things

21BitSoul: Exploring the Emotional Essence in the Internet of Things

Inspired by an age-old experiment (MacDougall, 1907), the oxymoronic title “21BitSoul” heralds a new era in the realm of the #Internet of #Emotions.

The #21BitSoul #research #project is at the forefront of this paradigm shift, dedicated to delving into the #Emotional #Intelligence within the Internet of Things (#IoT). Our aim is to elevate the quality of experience and foster more humane #interactions with machines.
Through the integration of cloud-based #AI software overlays and #digital #twin models, both existing and future IoT-enabled physical entities — ranging from everyday devices to plants to pets — can be endowed with emotional and behavior-oriented capabilities.

Discover more about our research projects and commitment to innovative technologies for sustainable cities & communities on our website: https://www.eledia.org/eledia-unitn/project_area/area-cities/