The ELEDIA@UniTN – DICAM announces the
2024 ELEDIA@DICAM PhD School on “Electromagnetic Field Theory and Applications (EM)”
Offered in blended (onsite/online) format
on September 02-06, 2024.
Register now at: https://edu.eledia.org/courses/phd-school-2024-electromagnetic-fields/
The course will provide fundamental concepts and theories and apply their understanding to solve practical problems. From Maxwell’s equations to EM wave propagation, participants will gain a deep insight into the underlying principles governing EM phenomena and their diverse applications. Applicative examples including software exercises will corroborate the theoretical concepts.
Further Details and Contact
Further details in the flyer: https://edu.eledia.org/courses/phd-school-2024-electromagnetic-fields/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/2024-04-30.Flyer_.PHD-COURSE.CE_.UniTN_.TRENTO.IT_.pdf
For any question, write to: didattica@eledia.org