The ELEDIA Research Center is pleased to announce the upgrade of the #EMUSEUM online platform.
#EMUSEUM is a wireless #IoT-based system that enables real-time #monitoring of the #museum and #cultural #heritage environment,
#AI-based #analysis and #prognostic on #artworks #health, and opportunistic #visitors‘ spaces #occupancy.
All these features, including publicly available data, are now available in the integrated web platform!
Check it out at
The most relevant pilot sites of EMUSEUM #research #project in Italy are located at #SaloneDei500 (#PalazzoVecchio at #Firenze), #Buonconsiglio #Castle (at #Trentino), and #Stenico #Castle (#Giudicarie, #Trentino).
#ELEDIA #EMuseum #wireless #environmental #monitoring #smart #museum #artwork #safety Università di Trento Provincia Autonoma di Trento Comune di Firenze