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ANSELMI, Nicola and TOSI, Luca and ROCCA, Paolo and MASSA, Andrea (2024) L-Shaped Tromino Rep-Tiles-Based Approach for the Design of Modular Planar Phased Arrays. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
ANSELMI, Nicola and TOSI, Luca and ROCCA, Paolo and MASSA, Andrea (2020) A Modular Approach for the Design of Phased Arrays Based on Self-Replicating L-Shaped Tiles. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
Abdul, H. (2015) A Multiresolution Approach for Direction of Arrival (DoA) Estimation in Linear Arrays based on Bayesian Compressive Sensing. Masters thesis, University of Trento.
Anselmi, N. and Manica, L. and Rocca, P. and Massa, A. (2015) Introduction to Interval Arithmetic applied to Antenna Array Analysis. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Anselmi, N. and Manica, L. and Rocca, P. and Massa, A. (2015) A PSO-based Method for Radiation Pattern Synthesis through Interval Analysis Tools. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Anselmi, N. and Poli, L. and Rocca, P. and Massa, A. (2016) Genetically-designed thinned ring arrays for effective pattern nulling with directivity control. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Anselmi, N. and Poli, L. and Rocca, P. and Massa, A. (2016) Multi-interference suppression through a GA-based method for ring arrays. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Anselmi, N. and Poli, L. and Rocca, P. and Massa, A. (2016) Reconfigurable thinning for pattern nulling in circular ring arrays. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Anselmi, N. and Rocca, P. and Salucci, M. and Massa, A. (2017) Design of Planar Sub‐Arrayed Phased Arrays Through Irregular Domino‐Shaped Tiles. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
Anselmi, N. and Rocca, P. and Salucci, M. and Massa, A. (2017) Efficient Tiling of Large Planar Sub‐Arrayed Phased Arrays Through Schemata‐Driven Evolutionary Optimization. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
Anselmi, N. and Rocca, P. and Salucci, M. and Massa, A. (2017) An Innovative GA‐Based Synthesis Method for the Design of Small‐Sized Tiled Planar Sub‐Arrayed Phased Arrays. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
Apolloni, F. (2014) Multilayer structure optimization of anisotropic materials for wide-angle impedance matching (WAIM) in rectangular waveguide phased antenna arrays. Masters thesis, University of Trento.
BENONI, Arianna and POLI, Lorenzo and ROCCA, Paolo and MASSA, Andrea (2024) Clustered Arrays Design via an Advanced Power Pattern Matching Method. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
BENONI, Arianna and POLI, Lorenzo and ROCCA, Paolo and MASSA, Andrea (2024) Designing of Clustered Linear Phased Arrays Through a Novel Power Pattern Matching Method. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
BENONI, Arianna and POLI, Lorenzo and ROCCA, Paolo and MASSA, Andrea (2024) An Innovative Approach to Clustered Phased Array Design Using Power Pattern Matching: The Linear Array Model. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
BENONI, Arianna and POLI, Lorenzo and ROCCA, Paolo and MASSA, Andrea (2024) Novel Power Pattern Matching Technique for Clustered Phased Arrays: Focusing on Linear Arrays. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
BENONI, Arianna and POLI, Lorenzo and ROCCA, Paolo and MASSA, Andrea (2024) Power Pattern Matching-Based Design of Clustered Phased Arrays: A Novel Method for Linear Arrays. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
BENONI, Arianna and POLI, Lorenzo and ROCCA, Paolo and MASSA, Andrea (2024) A Power Pattern Matching-Driven Clustering Method for Phased Array Design: The Linear Array Case. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
Balaara, E. (2010) Performance comparison DE vs PSO vs TAGUCHI for benchmark function: Rosenbrock s Valley in [-10:10]. Masters thesis, University of Trento.
Baltieri, M. (2013) Implementazione di un sistema di ottimizzazione della gestione dell'accumulo di energia elettrica basato sulla 'Teoria dei Giochi'. Masters thesis, University of Trento.
Bekele, E. T. and Rocca, P. and Massa, A. (2014) 4D Arrays for New Generation MIMO Applications. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Bekele, E. T. and Rocca, P. and Massa, A. (2014) Synthesis of Time-modulated Linear Arrays for MIMO Applications through a PSO-based Strategy. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Biniam, D. (2015) Quantized pulse splitting with optimized time-steps for secure communication in time-modulated linear arrays. Masters thesis, University of Trento.
Bontempelli, A. (2014) Performances analysis of a pso-based optimization procedure aimed to reconfigure a pattern generated by a time-modulated planar array subject to failures. Masters thesis, University of Trento.
Boru, B. (2015) Performance analysis of Surrogate Assisted Differential Evolution (SADE) optimizer with Additional Individuals Update possibility when dealing with Rosenbrock's benchmark function in 5D-10D. Masters thesis, University of Trento.
Bresciani, N. (2015) Radome Design with Joint Optimization of Materials and Profile. Masters thesis, University of Trento.
Dolci, F. (2015) Pixel-based Metamaterial Design. Masters thesis, University of Trento.
Hailay, A. (2015) Sub-arraying for a given polyomino shape. Masters thesis, University of Trento.
Mamuye, G. (2015) Performance analysis of Surrogate Assisted Differential Evolution (SADE) optimizer with Additional Individuals Update possibility when dealing with Ackley's benchmark function in 5D-10D. Masters thesis, University of Trento.
Marsico, A. (2015) Maximal surface distortion computation in parabolic reflector by means of an Interval based Particle Swarm Optimization. Masters thesis, University of Trento.
Marsico, A. (2014) Multilayer structure optimization of anisotropic magnetic materials for wide-angle impedance matching (WAIM) in rectangular waveguide phased antenna arrays. Masters thesis, University of Trento.
Meneguzzi, L. (2012) Sintesi e ottimizzazione di antenne UWB spline tramite Particle Swarm Optimizer. Masters thesis, University of Trento.
Oliveri, G. and Salucci, M. and Anselmi, N. and Massa, A. (2017) Innovative Design of Metamaterial Printed WAIMs through a System-by-Design Approach. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
Oliveri, G. and Salucci, M. and Anselmi, N. and Massa, A. (2017) Innovative Synthesis of WAIM Layers for Waveguide‐Fed Planar Phased Arrays. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
Oliveri, G. and Salucci, M. and Anselmi, N. and Massa, A. (2017) Particle Swarm Optimization of Innovative Wide Angle Impedance Matching Metasurfaces. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
Oliveri, G. and Salucci, M. and Anselmi, N. and Massa, A. (2017) Synthesis of Wideband WAIMs within the System‐by‐Design Framework. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
Oliveri, G. and Salucci, M. and Anselmi, N. and Massa, A. (2017) A System‐by‐Design Approach for the Synthesis of WAIMs for Planar Arrays. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
Piccardi, L. (2014) Performances analysis of PSO-based optimization procedures for adaptive nulling in time-modulated linear arrays (MinPwr and SINR-based approaches comparison). Masters thesis, University of Trento.
Plotegher, L. (2015) Modeling and analysis of different approaches to the backing of an UWB slot antenna. Masters thesis, University of Trento.
Poli, L. and Moriyama, T. and Rocca, P. (2015) Pulse Splitting for Harmonic Beamforming in Time-Modulated Linear Arrays. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Poli, L. and Oliveri, G. and Massa, A. (2014) Multi-task Bayesian Compressive Sensing Method for Imaging Sparse Metallic Cylinders. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Poli, L. and Oliveri, G. and Massa, A. (2012) Sparse PEC Scatterers Retrieval by means of a Local Shape Function Bayesian Compressive Sensing Strategy. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Poli, L. and Oliveri, G. and Massa, A. (2012) Statistical Validation of a BCS-based Technique for Perfect Electric Conductors Retrieval. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Poli, L. and Oliveri, G. and Viani, F. and Massa, A. (2015) Interval-based Pencil Beam Pattern Synthesis in Linear Antenna Arrays. Technical Report. Un.
Poli, L. and Oliveri, G. and Viani, F. and Massa, A. (2015) Robust Synthesis of Shaped Beams exploiting Interval Analysis and Particle Swarm Optimization. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Poli, L. and Rocca, P. and Massa, A. (2014) A Pulse-Shifting Strategy applied to the Synthesis of Directive Time-modulated Linear Arrays. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Poli, L. and Rocca, P. and Massa, A. (2014) Sideband Suppression in Time-Modulated Linear Arrays via Element Factor. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Poli, L. and Rocca, P. and Massa, A. (2015) Sintesi delle Aggregazioni Ottime in Antenne a Schiera Planari per Applicazioni WPT mediante Strategia CPM. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Poli, L. and Rocca, P. and Massa, A. (2014) Synthesis of Sparse Time-Modulated Linear Arrays with Minimum Power Losses. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Poli, L. and Rocca, P. and Massa, A. (2015) Tecnica per il Partizionamento Ottimo in Antenne a Schiera Lineari con Massima BCE mediante Contiguous Partition Method. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Poli, L. and Rocca, P. and Oliveri, G. and Massa, A. (2014) Adaptive Time-Modulated Arrays in Time-Varying Scenarios. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Poli, L. and Rocca, P. and Oliveri, G. and Massa, A. (2014) Multi-beam pattern synthesis through time-modulated linear arrays. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Poli, L. and Rocca, P. and Oliveri, G. and Massa, A. (2014) On the reconfigurabilty of Time-Modulated Linear Arrays subject to Failures - A statistical Analysis. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Poli, L. and Rocca, P. and Oliveri, G. and Massa, A. (2014) A failure correction strategy in time-modulated linear arrays. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Poli, L. and Rocca, P. and Salucci, M. and Massa, A. (2014) Adaptive strategies comparison for interference suppression in linear arrays. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Poli, L. and Rocca, P. and Salucci, M. and Massa, A. (2014) Reconfigurable thinning for the maximization of the SINR in adaptive linear arrays. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Poli, L. and Rocca, P. and Salucci, M. and Massa, A. (2014) Thinned array vs. phased arrays for adaptive pattern nulling. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Poli, L. and Rocca, P. and Salucci, M. and Massa, A. (2014) A customized genetic algorithm for the synthesis of adaptive thinned array with constrained directivity. Technical Report. University of Trento.
ROCCA, Paolo and ANSELMI, Nicola and POLO, Alessandro and MASSA, Andrea Diamond Tiles: A Novel Modular Design Technique for Hexagonal Phased Arrays. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
ROCCA, Paolo and ANSELMI, Nicola and POLO, Alessandro and MASSA, Andrea On the Synthesis of modular phased arrays exploiting diamond tiles. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
ROCCA, Paolo and ANSELMI, Nicola and POLO, Alessandro and MASSA, Andrea The Use of Diamond Tiles to Synthesize Modular Phased Arrays. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
ROCCA, Paolo and ANSELMI, Nicola and POLO, Alessandro and MASSA, Andrea Using Diamond Tiles for the Modular Design of Hexagonal Phased Arrays. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
ROCCA, Paolo and POLI, Lorenzo and POLO, Alessandro and MASSA, Andrea Designing Phased Arrays with Subarray-Only Amplitude and Phase Control based on K-means and Border Element Method. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
ROCCA, Paolo and POLI, Lorenzo and POLO, Alessandro and MASSA, Andrea Novel Strategies for Designing Phased Arrays with Subarray-only Amplitude and Phase Control based on K-means and Border Element Method. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
ROCCA, Paolo and POLI, Lorenzo and POLO, Alessandro and MASSA, Andrea Using K-means and Border Element Method to Design Phased Arrays with Subarray-Only Amplitude and Phase Control. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
Rocca, P. and Poli, L. and Manica, L. and Massa, A. (2014) Handling Sideband Radiations in Compromise Sum-Difference Pattern Synthesis through Time-Modulation. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Rocca, P. and Poli, L. and Manica, L. and Massa, A. (2014) Synthesis of Compromise Monopulse Time-Modulated Planar Arrays through Pulse Matching-based Strategies. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Rocca, P. and Poli, L. and Massa, A. (2014) Optimization of the instantaneous directivity in time-modulated linear arrays. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Rocca, P. and Poli, L. and Massa, A. (2014) Simultaneous control of instantaneous and average pattern features in time-modulated linear arrays. Technical Report. University of Trento.
SALUCCI, Marco and OLIVERI, Giacomo and MASSA, Andrea Feasibility-driven Design of Reflectarrays: An Innovative Inverse Source Approach. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
SALUCCI, Marco and OLIVERI, Giacomo and MASSA, Andrea An Inverse Source Approach for the Design of Reflectarrays: Proof-of-Concept. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
SALUCCI, Marco and OLIVERI, Giacomo and MASSA, Andrea A Novel Inverse Source Technique for the Constrained Design of Reflectarray Antennas. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
Saldykova, G. (2015) Synthesis of Clustered Arrays based on Total Variation Compressive Sensing. Bachelor thesis, University of Trento.
Salucci, M. and Gottardi, G. and Anselmi, N. and Oliveri, G. (2018) ADS‐Guided Design of Planar Thinned Phased Arrays Through Genetic Optimization. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
Salucci, M. and Gottardi, G. and Anselmi, N. and Oliveri, G. (2018) An Innovative Approach for the Design of Thinned 2D Arrays Based on Evolutionary Optimization and Almost Difference Sets. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
Salucci, M. and Gottardi, G. and Anselmi, N. and Oliveri, G. (2018) A Novel Approach for the Design of Planar Thinned Arrays Based on Genetic Algorithms and Almost Difference Sets. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
Salucci, M. and Gottardi, G. and Anselmi, N. and Oliveri, G. (2018) Synthesis of Planar Thinned Arrays by Means of an Innovative Analytical‐Stochastic Approach. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
Salucci, M. and Gottardi, G. and Anselmi, N. and Oliveri, G. (2018) Thinning Planar Phased Arrays by Means of Hybrid Analytical‐Evolutionary Optimization. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
Salucci, M. and Oliveri, G. and Anselmi, N. and Gottardi, G. and Massa, A. (2018) Enhancement of Linear Antenna Arrays through an Innovative QCTO‐SI Method: Preliminary Assessment. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
Salucci, M. and Oliveri, G. and Anselmi, N. and Gottardi, G. and Massa, A. (2018) An Innovative Material-by-Design Method for the Enhancement of Linear Active Electronically-Scanned Arrays. Project Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
Salucci, M. and Oliveri, G. and Anselmi, N. and Gottardi, G. and Massa, A. (2018) Material‐by‐Design as applied to Linear Antenna Array Performance Improvement. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
Salucci, M. and Oliveri, G. and Anselmi, N. and Gottardi, G. and Massa, A. (2016) Performance Enhancement of Linear Scanned Arrays through an Innovative Material-by-Design Methodology. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Salucci, M. and Oliveri, G. and Anselmi, N. and Gottardi, G. and Massa, A. (2018) A QCTO‐SI Method for the Design of Enhancing Lenses for Linear Antenna Arrays. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
Salucci, M. and Oliveri, G. and Anselmi, N. and Gottardi, G. and Massa, A. (2018) Quasi-Conformal Transformation Optics as Applied to Linear Antenna Array Performance Enhancement. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
Salucci, M. and Oliveri, G. and Anselmi, N. and Gottardi, G. and Massa, A. (2018) Synthesis of Metamaterial Enhancing Lenses for Improving the Radiation Performance of Existing Linear Antenna Arrays. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
Salucci, M. and Oliveri, G. and Anselmi, N. and Massa, A. (2018) Lens Thickness Impact on the Performance of Conformal Miniaturized Arrays Designed through a Material‐by‐Design Approach. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
Salucci, M. and Poli, L. and Anselmi, N. and Massa, A. (2017) An Evolutionary Optimization Method for Solving the Multi-Frequency GPR Subsurface Problem. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
Salucci, M. and Poli, L. and Anselmi, N. and Massa, A. (2016) Frequency‐Hopping Multi‐Resolution GPR Microwave Imaging Based on Stochastic Optimization. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Salucci, M. and Poli, L. and Anselmi, N. and Massa, A. (2016) An Innovative Multi-Frequency PSO-Based Method for the Microwave Imaging of Buried Objects having Different Conductivities. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Salucci, M. and Poli, L. and Anselmi, N. and Massa, A. (2016) An Innovative Particle Swarm Optimization‐Based Approach for GPR Microwave Imaging. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Salucci, M. and Poli, L. and Anselmi, N. and Massa, A. (2016) Microwave Imaging of Buried Objects having Different Permittivities through an Innovative Multi-Frequency Stochastic Method. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Salucci, M. and Poli, L. and Anselmi, N. and Massa, A. (2017) Multi-Frequency Multi-Resolution Stochastic Optimization for GPR Microwave Imaging. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Salucci, M. and Poli, L. and Anselmi, N. and Massa, A. (2017) Robust Multi-Frequency GPR Microwave Imaging through Multi-Scaling Particle Swarm Optimization. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Salucci, M. and Poli, L. and Anselmi, N. and Massa, A. (2017) Robust Multi-Frequency Subsurface Imaging through Evolutionary Optimization. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Salucci, M. and Poli, L. and Anselmi, N. and Massa, Andrea (2017) Multi‐Resolution Processing of Multi‐Frequency GPR Data for Robust Buried Object Imaging. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.
Tamponi, A. (2014) Synthesis of Time-Modulated Linear Arrays with Quantized On-Time for Secure Communications. Masters thesis, University of Trento.
Testolina, M. (2015) Campagna di Misure con dispositivo Mobile e Stima dell'Errore di localizzazione. Bachelor thesis, University of Trento.
Trobinger, M. (2014) Modellazione, Analisi ed Ottimizzazione di Elementi UWB di Tipo Vivaldi. Masters thesis, University of Trento.
Viani, F. and Polo, A. and Garofalo, P. and Anselmi, N. and Salucci, M. and Giarola, E. (2017) Experimental Validation of an Innovative Algorithm for Smart Lighting in Energy-Efficient Museums. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Viani, F. and Polo, A. and Garofalo, P. and Anselmi, N. and Salucci, M. and Giarola, E. (2017) An Innovative Technique for Smart Lighting in Buildings through Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization. Technical Report. University of Trento.
Zambiasi, C. (2015) IA-based Strategies for the Analysis and Design of Linear Arrays based on Multi-Layer Architectures. Masters thesis, University of Trento.
Zanella, S. (2015) Performance analysis of Surrogate Assisted Differential Evolution (SADE) optimizer when dealing with Rosenbrock's benchmark function in 5D-10D. Masters thesis, University of Trento.