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Massa, Andrea and Azaro, Renzo and Donelli, Massimo and Benedetti, Manuel and Rocca, Paolo (2011) Complex Synthesis of Antenna Structures Through Evolutionary-Optimization Techniques. [Technical Report]
Lizzi, Leonardo and Rocca, Paolo and Donelli, Massimo and Massa, Andrea (2011) Contrast Field and Contrast Source Formulations for Microwave Imaging: A Comparative Analysis. [Technical Report]
Franceschini, Davide and Benedetti, Manuel and Donelli, Massimo and Rocca, Paolo and Massa, Andrea (2011) Dealing with Aspect-Limited Data Through an Innovative Microwave Imaging Multi-Source Technique: Potentialities and Limitations. [Technical Report]
Benedetti, Manuel and Donelli, Massimo and Pastorino, Matteo and Rosani, Andrea and Massa, Andrea (2011) Detection of Multiple Defects in Industrial Products by Means of a Non-Destructive Microwave Approach. [Technical Report]
Franceschini, Gabriele and Franceschini, Davide and Donelli, Massimo and Azaro, Renzo and Massa, Andrea (2011) Electromagnetic Inversion of Amplitude-Only Data Through a Two-Step Strategy. [Technical Report]
Caramanica, Federico and Donelli, Massimo and Oliveri, Giacomo and Rocca, Paolo and Massa, Andrea (2011) Evolutionary Algorithms for Inverse Scattering: Advances and State-of-the-art Comparisons. [Technical Report]
Rocca, Paolo and Benedetti, Manuel and Donelli, Massimo and Massa, Andrea (2011) Evolutionary Techniques For Inverse Scattering: Current Trends and Envisaged Developments. [Technical Report]
Benedetti, Manuel and Oliveri, Giacomo and Donelli, Massimo and Rocca, Paolo and Massa, Andrea (2011) Experimental Validation of Smart Antenna System Model. [Technical Report]
Viani, Federico and Lizzi, Leonardo and Donelli, Massimo and Prengolato, Denis and Oliveri, Giacomo and Massa, Andrea (2011) Exploitation of Parasitic Smart Antennas in Wireless Sensor Networks. [Technical Report]
Franceschini, Davide and Donelli, Massimo and Azaro, Renzo and Massa, Andrea (2011) Future Trends on Nanoantennas Synthesis. [Technical Report]
Oliveri, Giacomo and Donelli, Massimo and Massa, Andrea (2011) Genetically-designed arbitrary length almost difference sets. [Technical Report] (Unpublished)
Franceschini, Davide and Franceschini, Gabriele and Donelli, Massimo and Rocca, Paolo and Massa, Andrea (2011) Imaging Three-Dimensional Bodies by Processing Multi-Frequency Data Through a Multiscale Swarm Intelligence Based Method. [Technical Report]
Donelli, Massimo and Benedetti, Manuel and Rocca, Paolo and Pastorino, Matteo and Massa, Andrea (2011) Improving the Reconstruction Accuracy of Gas-Based NDE/NDT Methods Through a Level Set Approach. [Technical Report]
Rocca, Paolo and Viani, Federico and Donelli, Massimo and Benedetti, Manuel and Massa, Andrea (2011) An Integration Between SVM Classifiers and Multi-Resolution Techniques for Early Breast Cancer Detection. [Technical Report]
Donelli, Massimo and Franceschini, Davide and Benedetti, Manuel and Massa, Andrea and Gragnani, G. L. (2011) Inversion of Large-Scale Electromagnetic Data Through the Iterative Multizooming Reconstruction of Nonmeasurable Equivalent Current Densities. [Technical Report]
Franceschini, Davide and Donelli, Massimo and Tamanini, E and Massa, Andrea (2011) An Iterative Procedure for Combining the Advantages of a Multi-Frequency and Multi-Resolution Inversion Algorithm. [Technical Report]
Viani, Federico and Donelli, Massimo and Oliveri, Giacomo and Massa, Andrea (2011) A Mobile Wireless Sensor Network for Collaborative Tasks Achievement by Means Autonomous Robot Robot Swarm. [Technical Report]
Franceschini, Davide and Rosani, Andrea and Donelli, Massimo and Massa, Andrea and Pastorino, Matteo (2011) Morphological Processing of Electromagnetic Scattering Data for Enhancing the Reconstruction Accuracy of the Iterative Multi-Scaling Approach. [Technical Report]
Franceschini, Davide and Donelli, Massimo and Franceschini, Gabriele and Massa, Andrea (2011) Multi-Frequency/Multi-Scaling Techniques for the Electromagnetic Inversion of Lossless Profiles: A Numerical Comparison. [Technical Report]
Viani, Federico and Meaney, Paul and Rocca, Paolo and Azaro, Renzo and Donelli, Massimo and Oliveri, Giacomo and Massa, Andrea (2011) Numerical Validation and Experimental Results of a Multi-Resolution SVM-Based Classification Procedure for Breast Imaging. [Technical Report]
Donelli, Massimo and Franceschini, Garbiele and Franceschini, Davide and Massa, Andrea (2011) On the Effects of Phase Information on the Reconstruction Capabilities of the Iterative Multi-Scaling Strategy. [Technical Report]
Martini, Anna and Donelli, Massimo and Franceschetti, Massimo and Massa, Andrea (2011) Particle Density Retrieval in Random Media Using a Percolation Model and a Particle Swarm Optimizer. [Technical Report]
Donelli, Massimo and Benedetti, Manuel and Lesselier, D. and Massa, Andrea (2011) A Qualitative Two-Step Inversion Approach for the Reconstruction of Subsurface Defects. [Technical Report]
Rocca, Paolo and Franceschini, Davide and Donelli, Massimo and Massa, Andrea (2011) Recent Advances in the Iterative Multizooming Reconstruction of Nonmeasurable Equivalent Current Densities for Non-Invasive Diagnostic Applications. [Technical Report]
Benedetti, Manuel and Donelli, Massimo and Franceschini, Davide and Rosani, Andrea and Boni, Andrea and Massa, Andrea (2011) Recent Advances on the Use of Kernel-Based Learning-By-Examples Techniques for Electromagnetic Subsurface Sensing. [Technical Report]
Franceschini, Davide and Donelli, Massimo and Rosani, Andrea and Massa, Andrea (2011) A Reconstruction Strategy Based on the Dort Method for Imaging Finite Dimension Scatterers. [Technical Report]
Franceschini, Gabriele and Donelli, Massimo and Franceschini, Davide and Benedetti, Manuel and Rocca, Paolo and Massa, Andrea (2011) Reconstruction of Dielectric Objects from Amplitude - Only Data – Advantages and Open Problems of a Two-Step Multi-Resolution Strategy. [Technical Report]
Donelli, Massimo and Azaro, Renzo and Lizzi, Leonardo and Viani, Federico and Massa, Andrea (2011) A SVM-Based Multi-Resolution Procedure for the Estimation of the DOAS of Interfering Signals in a Communication System. [Technical Report]
Viani, Federico and Donelli, Massimo and Rocca, Paolo and Massa, Andrea (2011) A SVM-Based Three-Dimensional Multi-Resolution Approach for Biomedical Inverse Scattering Problems. [Technical Report]
Franceschini, Davide and Donelli, Massimo and Franceschini, Gabriele and Rocca, Paolo and Massa, Andrea (2011) Testing the Iterative Multiscaling Method Against Experimental Data: On the Effects of the Electromagnetic Source Modeling in the Reconstruction Process. [Technical Report]
Donelli, Massimo and Benedetti, Manuel and Rocca, Paolo and Melgani, Farid and Massa, Andrea (2011) Three Dimensional Electromagnetic Sub-Surface Sensing by Means of a Multi-Step SVM-Based Classification Technique. [Technical Report]
Casagranda, Aronne and Donelli, Massimo and Franceschini, Davide and Massa, Andrea (2010) Effective Exploitation of the Information Content of Noisy Data in Inverse Scattering Problems: a Fuzzy-Logic-Based Strategy. [Technical Report]
Donelli, Massimo and De Natale, Francesco and Piffer, Stefano and Massa, Andrea (2010) Particle Swarm Optimization for Real-Time Adaptive Array Control. [Technical Report]
Rocca, Paolo and Benedetti, Manuel and Donelli, Massimo and Franceschini, Davide and Massa, Andrea (2009) Evolutionary Optimization as Applied to Inverse Scattering Problems. [Technical Report]
Oliveri, Giacomo and Donelli, Massimo and Massa, Andrea (2009) Linear Array Thinning Exploiting Almost Difference Sets. [Technical Report]
Donelli, Massimo and Martini, Anna and Massa, Andrea (2009) A Hybrid Approach Based on PSO and Hadamard Difference Sets for the Synthesis of Square Thinned Arrays. [Technical Report]
Donelli, Massimo and Viani, Federico and Rocca, Paolo and Massa, Andrea (2009) An Innovative Multi-Resolution Approach for DOA Estimation based on a Support Vector Classification. [Technical Report]
Rocca, Paolo and Donelli, Massimo and Gragnani, Gian Luigi and Massa, Andrea (2009) Iterative Multi-Resolution Retrieval of Non-Measurable Equivalent Currents for Imaging of Dielectric Objects. [Technical Report]
Viani, Federico and Benedetti, Manuel and Donelli, Massimo and Lizzi, Leonardo and Cresp, A. and Aliferis, I. and Pichot, C. and Massa, A. (2008) SVM-based Classification Approach for Synthetic-Impulse Microwave Imaging–SVM Input Data. [Technical Report] (Unpublished)
Viani, Federico and Benedetti, Manuel and Donelli, Massimo and Lizzi, Leonardo and Cresp, A. and Aliferis, I. and Pichot, C. and Massa, Andrea (2008) SVM-based Classification Approach for Synthetic-Impulse Microwave Imaging - Data Format. [Technical Report] (Unpublished)
Viani, Federico and Lizzi, Leonardo and Rocca, Paolo and Benedetti, Manuel and Donelli, Massimo and Massa, Andrea (2008) Object tracking through RSSI measurements in wireless sensor networks. [Technical Report]
Rocca, Paolo and Donelli, Massimo and Gragnani, Gian Luigi and Massa, Andrea (2008) Some Indications on the Analytic Expression of Non-Radiating Currents in 2D TM Imaging Problems. [Technical Report] (Unpublished)
Viani, Federico and Benedetti, Manuel and Donelli, Massimo and Lizzi, Leonardo and Cresp, A. and Aliferis, L. and Pichot, Christian and Massa, Andrea (2008) SVM-based Classification Approach for Synthetic-Impulse Microwave Imaging. [Technical Report] (Unpublished)
Franceschini, Davide and Rosani, Andrea and Donelli, Massimo and Pastorino, Matteo and Massa, Andrea (2008) Morphological Processing of Electromagnetic Scattering Data for Enhancing the Reconstruction Accuracy of the Iterative Multi-Scaling Approach. [Technical Report] (In Press)
D'Orazio, Leandro and Sacchi, Claudio and Donelli, Massimo and Louveaux, Jérôme and Vandendorpe, Luc (2008) A Linear Multi-User Detector for STBC MC-CDMA Systems based on the Adaptive Implementation of the Minimum-Conditional Bit-Error-Rate Criterion and on Genetic Algorithm-assisted MMSE Channel Estimation. [Technical Report] (Unpublished)
Benedetti, Manual and Casagranda, Aronne and Donelli, Massimo and Massa, Andrea (2007) An Adaptive Multi-Scaling Imaging Technique Based on a Fuzzy-Logic Strategy for Dealing with the Uncertainty of Noisy Scattering Data. [Technical Report]
Azaro, Renzo and Donelli, Massimo and Benedetti, Manuel and Rocca, Paolo and Massa, Andrea (2007) A GSM signals based positioning technique for mobile applications. [Technical Report] (Submitted)
Franceschini, Davide and Donelli, Massimo and Azaro, Renzo and Massa, Andrea (2007) Dealing with Multi-Frequency Scattering Data Through the IMSA. [Technical Report]
Donelli, Massimo and Azaro, Renzo and Fimognari, Luca and Massa, Andrea (2007) A Planar Electronically Reconfigurable Wi-Fi Band Antenna Based on a Parasitic Microstrip Structure. [Technical Report] (In Press)
Sacchi, Claudio and D'Orazio, Leandro and Donelli, Massimo and Fedrizzi, Riccardo and Massa, Andrea (2007) Genetic Algorithm-assisted Maximum-Likelihood Multi-user Detection for Multi-Rate MC-CDMA Systems. [Technical Report] (Submitted)
Benedetti, Manuel and Donelli, Massimo and Massa, Andrea (2007) Multicrack Detection in Two-Dimensional Structures by Means of Ga-Based Strategies. [Technical Report]
Franceschini, Gabriele and Donelli, Massimo and Azaro, Renzo and Massa, Andrea (2006) Inversion of Phaseless Total Field Data using a Two-Step Strategy based on the Iterative Multi-Scaling Approach. [Technical Report]
Sacchi, Claudio and D'Orazio, Leandro and Donelli, Massimo and De Natale, Francesco G.B. (2006) A genetic algorithm-assisted semi-adaptive MMSE multi-user detection for MC-CDMA mobile communication systems. [Technical Report] (Unpublished)
Franceschini, Davide and Donelli, Massimo and Franceschini, Gabriele and Massa, Andrea (2006) Iterative Image Reconstruction of Two-dimensional Scatterers Illuminated by TE Waves. [Technical Report]
Donelli, Massimo and Azaro, Renzo and De Natale, Francesco and Massa, Andrea (2006) An Innovative Computational Approach Based on a Particle Swarm Strategy for Adaptive Phased-Arrays Control. [Technical Report]
Azaro, Renzo and De Natale, Francesco and Donelli, Massimo and Massa, Andrea and Zeni, Edoardo (2006) Optimized Design of a Multi-Function/Multi-Band Antenna for Automotive Rescue Systems. [Technical Report]
Azaro, Renzo and De Natale, Francesco and Zeni, Edoardo and Donelli, Massimo and Massa, Andrea (2006) Synthesis of a Pre-Fractal Dual-Band Monopolar Antenna for GPS Applications. [Technical Report]
Donelli, Massimo and Franceschini, Davide and Massa, Andrea and Pastorino, Matteo and Zanetti, Andrea (2005) Multi-Resolution Iterative Inversion of Real Inhomogeneous Targets. [Technical Report]
Azaro, Renzo and Boato, Giulia and Donelli, Massimo and Massa, Andrea and Zeni, Edoardo (2005) Design of a Pre-Fractal Monopolar Antenna for 3.4 - 3.6 GHz Wi-Max Band Portable Devices. [Technical Report] (Submitted)
Azaro, Renzo and Boato, Giulia and Donelli, Massimo and Franceschini, Gabriele and Martini, Anna and Massa, Andrea (2005) Design of a Miniaturized Ism-Band Fractal Antenna. [Technical Report] (In Press)
Azaro, Renzo and Donelli, Massimo and Franceschini, Davide and Massa, Andrea (2005) Multiscaling Reconstruction of Metallic Targets from Te and Tm Experimental Data. [Technical Report] (In Press)
Donelli, Massimo and Azaro, Renzo and Massa, Andrea and Raffetto, Mirco (2005) Unsupervised Synthesis of Microwave Components by Means of an Evolutionary-Based Tool Exploiting Distributed Computing Resources. [Technical Report] (In Press)
Benedetti, Manuel and Donelli, Massimo and Franceschini, Gabriele and Pastorino, Matteo and Massa, Andrea (2005) Effective Exploitation of the a-priori Information through a Microwave Imaging Procedure Based on the Smw for Nde/Ndt Applications. [Technical Report] (Unpublished)
Benedetti, Manuel and Donelli, Massimo and Martini, Anna and Massa, Andrea and Rosani, Andrea (2005) An Innovative Microwave Imaging Technique for Non Destructive Evaluation: Applications to Civil Structures Monitoring and Biological Bodies Inspection. [Technical Report] (Unpublished)
Azaro, Renzo and Donelli, Massimo and Franceschini, Davide and Massa, Andrea (2005) Multiscaling Reconstruction of Metallic Targets from TE and TM Experimental Data. [Technical Report] (In Press)
Donelli, Massimo and Franceschini, Gabriele and Martini, Anna and Massa, Andrea (2004) An Integrated Multi-Scaling Strategy based on a Particle Swarm Algorithm for Inverse Scattering Problems. [Technical Report] (In Press)
Bort, Emmanuele and Donelli, Massimo and Martini, Anna and Massa, Andrea (2004) An Adaptive Weighting Strategy for Microwave Imaging Problems. [Technical Report] (In Press)
Massa, Andrea and Bermani, Emanuela and Boni, Andrea and Donelli, Massimo (2004) A Classification Approach based on SVM for Electromagnetic Sub-Surface Sensing. [Technical Report] (Submitted)
Donelli, Massimo and Massa, Andrea (2004) A Computational Approach based on a Particle Swarm Optimizer for Microwave Imaging of Two-Dimensional Dielectric Scatterers. [Technical Report] (Submitted)
Donelli, Massimo and Franceschini, Davide and Franceschini, Gabriele and Massa, Andrea (2004) Effective Exploitation of Multi-View Data through the Iterative Multi-Scaling Method - An Experimental Assessment. [Technical Report] (Submitted)
Donelli, Massimo and Caorsi, Salvatore and De Natale, Francesco and Pastorino, Matteo and Massa, Andrea (2004) Linear Antenna Synthesis with a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm. [Technical Report] (Submitted)
Bermani, Emanuela and Boni, Andrea and Caorsi, Salvatore and Donelli, Massimo and Massa, Andrea (2004) A Multi-Source Strategy based on a Learning-by-Examples Technique for Buried Object Detection. [Technical Report] (In Press)
Sacchi, Claudio and Donelli, Massimo and De Natale, Francesco G.B. and Massa, Andrea and Lommi, Andrea (2004) On the Use of a Genetic-Based Approach for Antenna Array Control in a Scattering Environment. [Technical Report] (Submitted)
Massa, Andrea and Donelli, Massimo and Caorsi, Salvatore and Pastorino, Matteo and Raffetto, Mirco (2004) Parallel GA-based Approach for Microwave Imaging Applications. [Technical Report] (Submitted)
Donelli, Massimo and Caorsi, Salvatore and De Natale, Francesco and Franceschini, Davide and Massa, Andrea (2004) A Versatile Enhanced Genetic Algorithm for Planar Array Design. [Technical Report] (Submitted)
Sacchi, Claudio and De Natale, Francesco and Donelli, Massimo and Lommi, Andrea and Massa, Andrea (2004) Adaptive Antenna Array Control in the Presence of Interfering Signals with Stochastic Arrivals: Assessment of a GA-based Procedure. [Technical Report]
Conci, Massimo and Donelli, Massimo and Franceschini, Gabriele and Massa, Andrea (2004) Microwave Imaging from Limited-Angle Scattered Data using the Iterative Multi-Scaling Approach. [Technical Report] (Submitted)
Caorsi, Salvatore and Massa, Andrea and Donelli, Massimo (2003) Detection, Location and Imaging of Multiple Scatterers by means of the Iterative Multiscaling Method. [Technical Report] (In Press)
Caorsi, Salvatore and Massa, Andrea and Pastorino, Matteo and Donelli, Massimo (2003) Improved Microwave Imaging Procedure for Non-Destructive Evaluations of Two-Dimensional Structures. [Technical Report] (In Press)
Caorsi, Salvatore and Donelli, Massimo and Franceschini, Davide and Massa, Andrea (2003) A New Methodology Based on an Iterative Multi-scaling for Microwave Imaging. [Technical Report]
Caorsi, S. and Donelli, Massimo and Massa, Andrea and Pastorino, Matteo (2001) A Numerical Approach for the Evaluation of the Nonlinear Effects on the Attenuation Constant in High Temperature Superconduction Transmission Lines. [Technical Report]