@techreport{elediasc12900, publisher = {ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento}, author = {Arianna BENONI and Lorenzo POLI and Paolo ROCCA and Andrea MASSA}, year = {2024}, title = {A Power Pattern Matching-Driven Clustering Method for Phased Array Design: The Linear Array Case}, type = {Technical Report}, keywords = {Clustered array, iterative projection method (IPM), k-means algorithm, linear array, phased array (PA), power pattern matching (PM).}, url = {http://www.eledia.org/students-reports/900/}, abstract = {This paper proposes an advanced method for designing a clustered phased arrays (PAs) driven by the synthesis of subarray complex excitations to achieve a far-field power pattern that closely matches a given reference pattern. Numerical results are provided to show the potentialities and effectiveness of the proposed strategy.} }