@techreport{elediasc12892, year = {2024}, publisher = {ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento}, title = {Developing Modular Reflective EM Skins to Boost Wireless Signals in Cities}, author = {Paolo ROCCA and Pietro DA R{\`u} and Nicola ANSELMI and Marco SALUCCI and Giacomo OLIVERI and Andrea MASSA}, type = {Technical Report}, abstract = {Design of modular, passive, and static artificial metasurface as electromagnetic skins (EMSs) is introduced in this paper to boost wireless signals in cities. To achieve this goal, we propose a specialized design strategy that seeks optimal tradeoff solutions to ensure adequate coverage in areas with weak base station signals. The optimal EMS layout is determined using a binary multiobjective optimization method.Representative numerical results are presented and discussed to showcase the features and potential of the EMS solution within a smart electromagnetic environment (SEME), demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed design method.}, url = {http://www.eledia.org/students-reports/892/}, keywords = {Artificial materials, millimeter wave, mobile communications, multiobjective optimization, smart electromagnetic (EM) environment.} }