@techreport{elediasc12827, title = {Design Isophoric Phased Arrays Using an Irregular Two-size Square Tiling Approach}, author = {Paolo ROCCA and Nicola ANSELMI and Alessandro POLO and Andrea MASSA}, type = {Technical Report}, publisher = {ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento}, year = {2019}, keywords = {Isophoric phased arrays, Phased arrays, Two-sizes square tiling method, Tiling squares}, url = {http://www.eledia.org/students-reports/827/}, abstract = {The design of isophoric phased arrays composed of two-sized square-shaped tiles that fully cover rectangular apertures is dealt with. The number and the positions of the tiles within the array aperture are optimized to fit desired specifications on the power pattern features. Toward this end, starting from the derivation of theoretical conditions for the complete tileability of the aperture, an ad hoc coding of the admissible arrangements, which implies a drastic reduction of the cardinality of the solution space, and their compact representation with a graph are exploited to profitably apply an effective optimizer based on an integer-coded genetic algorithm. A set of representative numerical examples, concerned with state-of-the-art benchmark problems, is reported and discussed to give some insights on the effectiveness of both the proposed tiled architectures and the synthesis strategy.} }