%A Marco SALUCCI %A Alessandro POLO %A Andrea MASSA %K Inverse Scattering, Microwave Imaging, Iterative Multi-Scaling Approach, New Integral Equation %T Integrating the IMSA With a New Integral Equation Method for Imaging Strong Scatterers %I ELEDIA@UniTN (DISI - University of Trento) %L elediasc12804 %X In this work, an innovative inverse scattering (IS) methodology is proposed. The developed technique relies on the suitable integration of the iterative multi‐scaling approach (IMSA) and a New Integral Equation (NIE) strategy. One the one hand, the IMSA allows to effectively tackle both non‐linearity and ill‐posedness of the IS problem thanks to the adaptive refinement of the resolution only within the detected region‐of‐interest and the exploitation of progressively‐acquired information on the solution. On the other hand, the qualitative imaging of strong scatterers is enabled thanks to the NIE, allowing to reformulate the main equations modeling the physics of the problem such that it is possible to reduce its non‐linearity and reduce the occurrence of false solutions. Preliminary numerical results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed IMSA‐NIE methodology.