relation: title: Detecting Failures in Planar Phased Arrays: a Bayesian Compressive Sensing Approach creator: SALUCCI, Marco creator: GELMINI, Angelo creator: OLIVERI, Giacomo creator: MASSA, Andrea subject: A WC Next Generation Wireless Communications subject: M CS Compressive Sensing description: In this work, the detection of failures in planar phased antenna arrays is dealt with. Towards this goal, the inverse problem at hand is formulated within a probabilistic framework and it is efficiently solved through a Bayesian compressive sensing (BCS) method. More in detail, starting from the knowledge of the failureā€free (i.e., "gold") pattern and of that radiated by the antenna under test (AUT), the reconstruction of the faulty radiators is seen as a sparse retrieval problem whose solution does not require the compliance of the restricted isometry property (RIP) by the measurement operator. Some preliminary numerical results are shown to assess the effectiveness of the proposed array diagnosis tool. publisher: ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento date: 2019 type: Monograph type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: SALUCCI, Marco and GELMINI, Angelo and OLIVERI, Giacomo and MASSA, Andrea (2019) Detecting Failures in Planar Phased Arrays: a Bayesian Compressive Sensing Approach. Technical Report. ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento.