%L elediasc12760 %T Performance Enhancement of Linear Scanned Arrays through an Innovative Material-by-Design Methodology %X A novel quasi conformal transformation optics (QCTO)-based approach is introduced for the synthesis of coating meta-lenses that are able to improve the radiation pattern of the covered linear antenna arrays. Thanks to the QCTO technique, the proposed material-by-design synthesis methodology is able to reduce the half-power beam-width (HPBW) and the side-lobe level (SLL) of a given linear array without introducing strong anisotropies in the synthesized meta-material coating lens. Some representative numerical examples are shown in order to assess the effectiveness, as well as the limits, of the proposed MbD method. %K Material-by-Design (MbD), linear array enhancement, Quasi-Conformal Transformation Optics (QCTO), Source Inversion (SI) %A M. Salucci %A G. Oliveri %A N. Anselmi %A G. Gottardi %A A. Massa %I University of Trento %D 2016