@techreport{elediasc12755, publisher = {ELEDIA Research Center - University of Trento}, year = {2017}, title = {An Innovative GA?Based Synthesis Method for the Design of Small?Sized Tiled Planar Sub?Arrayed Phased Arrays}, author = {N. Anselmi and P. Rocca and M. Salucci and A. Massa}, type = {Technical Report}, url = {http://www.eledia.org/students-reports/755/}, keywords = {Phased Array Antenna, Irregular Tiling, Enumerative Tiling, Optimization, Genetic Algorithm, Schemata}, abstract = {In this work, an innovative methodology for the design of planar sub-arrayed phased arrays composed by irregular arrangements of vertical and horizontal domino-shaped tiles is presented. More precisely, the proposed design method is aimed at optimally synthesizing low and medium size arrays through a suitable customization of mathematical tiling theorems and algorithms. Thanks to the exploitation of a customized genetic algorithm (GA)-based optimization strategy, the retrieval of the global optimal solution for the problem of finding the complete tiling affording the minimum side-lobe level (SLL) is effectively yielded through the proposed approach. A set of numerical benchmarks is presented in order to assess the proposed sub-arraying technique for small-sized problems.} }