%D 2017 %A L. Tenuti %A N. Anselmi %A P. Rocca %A M. Salucci %A A. Massa %I University of Trento %X When dealing with the design of linear phased arrays, the amplitudes and phases of the array control points are properly synthesized to yield desired radiation features (e.g., high directivity, low sidelobe level, etc.). Unfortunately, the excitation values can deviate from the nominal/expected ones because of unavoidable fabrication tolerances and/or environmental variations. As a consequence, the radiated pattern can differ from the desired one, causing the overall system to fail in meeting the expected performances. In this document, an innovative interval analysis (IA) technique, based on the Minkowski sum, is proposed to analyze the effects of the linear array excitation tolerances on the radiated field. A comparison of the obtained bounds with those obtainable through the standard Cartesian IA is provided, as well. %K Antenna Arrays, Linear Antennas, Sensitivity Analysis, Antenna Uncertainties, Interval Analysis, Minkowski Sum %T A Sensitivity Analysis Approach for Linear Arrays with Uncertain Excitations %L elediasc12718