@misc{elediasc12520, title = {Electromagnetic passive localization and tracking of moving targets in a WSN-infrastructured environment.}, author = {Federico Viani and Paolo Rocca and Manuel Benedetti and Giacomo Oliveri and Andrea Massa}, month = {January}, year = {2011}, url = {http://www.eledia.org/students-reports/520/}, abstract = {In this paper, an innovative strategy for the passive localization of transceiver-free objects is presented. The localization is yielded by processing the received signal strength data measured in an infrastructured environment. The problem is reformulated in terms of an inverse source one, where the probability map of the presence of an equivalent source modeling the moving target is looked for. Toward this end, a customized classification procedure based on a support vector machine is exploited. Selected, but representative, experimental results are reported to assess the feasibility of the proposed approach and to show the potentialities and applicability of this passive and unsupervised technique. ?(c) Institute of Physics?} }