%D 2008 %X In this letter, the synthesis of a miniaturized threeband planar antenna working in GSM and WiFi frequency bands is described. The reference geometry for the synthesis of the antenna is a hybrid prefractal shape obtained by integrating a Sierpinski-like and a Meander-like structure. The synthesis of the geometrical parameters of the antenna has been performed by means of a customized Particle Swarm strategy to yield electrical parameters within given specifications. In order to show the effectiveness of the approach, some results from the numerical synthesis procedure are described and a comparison between simulations and experimental measurements is reported. %A Renzo Azaro %A Luca Debiasi %A Edoardo Zeni %A Manuel Benedetti %A Paolo Rocca %A Andrea Massa %I University of Trento %L elediasc12328 %T A hybrid prefractal three-band antenna for multistandard mobile wireless applications