A customized genetic algorithm for the synthesis of adaptive thinned array with constrained directivity

Poli, L. and Rocca, P. and Salucci, M. and Massa, A. (2014) A customized genetic algorithm for the synthesis of adaptive thinned array with constrained directivity. Technical Report. University of Trento.

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An innovative adaptive nulling strategy based on reconfigurable thinned arrays is studied in this report. A customized version of the genetic algorithms exploiting ad-hoc operators devoted to keep constant the number of elements instantaneously active is applied to optimize the on/off status of the switches to maximize the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio at the antenna output. The performances of the technique have been analyzed varying the number of array elements and the number of interferences within a static scenario.

Item Type: Monograph (Technical Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Evolutionary Optimization, Array Synthesis, Smart Antennas, Local Optimization, Analytic Sequences
Subjects: M Methodologies > M EA Evolutionary Algorithms
URI: http://www.eledia.org/students-reports/id/eprint/645

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