Beam Pattern Optimization in Time-Modulated Linear Arrays

Poli, Lorenzo and Rocca, Paolo and Massa, Andrea (2011) Beam Pattern Optimization in Time-Modulated Linear Arrays. [Technical Report]


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Time-modulated arrays exploit time as an additional degree of freedom [1] where a set of radio-frequency (RF) switches are used to modulate the static excitations to arbitrarily shape the radiation pattern. Firstly, time-modulation has been considered for the synthesis of radar array to obtain low and ultra-low sidelobe patterns [2]. Unfortunately, the periodic on-off of the RF switches causes the generations of undesired radiations, the so-called sideband radiation (SR) [3], which represents a loss of the radiated power. Such a drawback has limited the use of time-modulated array in real world applications. This is the author's version of the final version available at IEEE.

Item Type: Technical Report
Subjects: Uncategorized > TU Technical Reports and Publications

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