The ELEDIA Artificial Intelligence Research (E-AIR) is a transversal research team of the ELEDIA Research Center which combines the efforts, experience, skills, ideas, and dreams of several researchers from all of our network labs in Brunei, China, Czech Republic, Ethiopia, France, Greece, Italy, Japan, Peru, and Tunisia working across several different AI research domains. Our work is strongly multi-disciplinary, with applications targeted at domains including Next Generation Wireless Communications, Secure, Clean, and Efficient Energy, Security, Advanced Materials, Biotechnologies, Health, and Wellbeing, Space and Aerospace, Sustainable Agricolture and the Bio-Economy, Smart, Green, and Integrated Transport, Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, Climate Action and Environment , Industry 4.0 and Beyond, and each year we publish several scientific contributions across all of these areas.
A fundamental component of our mission is the dissemination of our ideas, innovative approaches, and results. Although the primary approach to accomplish this is still based on the peer-reviewed publication of highly-specialized journal articles and the presentation in international conferences and workshops, there is an increasing need to make such contributions available and useful for a much broader community.

The E-AIR Blog is part of our contribution along this direction and mission. The nature of the blog, which aims at addressing both specialized and non-specialized readers interested in the practical implications of the recent results in the macro-area of artificial intelligence as applied to the above fields, complements and integrates our traditional research dissemination. Accordingly, the fundamental objective of the E-AIR blog will be to illustrate the cutting-edge outcomes of our most recent scientific activities in a format that is clear, accessible, but also elucidative and significant regardless of the background of the audience.
Our debut posts address two fundamental areas of application of AI within our team, that is, wireless signature detection & passive localization, and smart farming / precision agriculture. We hope you’ll enjoy them as much as we enjoyed researching such topics, and we hope to see you here soon for the next E-AIR posts. Have fun!